Bob Fett Painting Darth Vader Painting Sid James Painting
Subject Boba Fett (Commission)
Client: Neil Hazzard
Subject: Darth Vader
Status: Sold
Subject: Sid James
Status: Private Collection
Commission: Gary Featherstone The Durham Msrket Square Statue Wayne Robson - Self portrait
Client: Gary Featherstone
Subject The Durham Market Square Statue
Status: Sold
Subject 'The Darkside of the Artist' (self portrait #1)
Status: Artists private collection
Keith Richards Inverse Painting The Artists father
Subject: Inverted painting of Keith Richards
Status: For Sale
Subject: The Artists Father
Status: Artists Parents Collection (Gift)
Amanda Robson painting Hunter S Thompson Painting Harry Houdini painting

Subject 'Amanda' (Commission)
Client: Cris Robson (owner of 3D Palace)

Subject: Hunter S Thompson
Status: In Artists Private Collection (not for sale)
Subject: Harry Houdini
Status: In Artists Private Collection (not for sale)
jack nicholson painting Help for Heroes Auction Painting Batman Painting
Subject: Jack Nicholson
Status: Sold
Subject: Help for Heroes Auction Painting (Commission)
Status: In Private Collection
Subject: Batman
Status: Done for the artists 2 children at their request (not for sale)
Pieta painting Lea\dbelly Painting Russel Brand Painting
Subject: Pieta
Status: For Sale
Subject: Leadbelly (Commission)
Client: The Turf Public House, Consett
Subject: Russel Brand
Status: Sold
Kirky Painting The Demon Painting Alice Cooper Painting
Subject: Commision
Client: A regiment of the british army
Subject: Demon
Status: For Sale
Subject: Alice Cooper
Status: For Sale
The Artists Mother painting The Red Tunnel Dream Painting Joy Division painting
Subject: The Artists Mother
Status: Artists Parents Collection (Gift)
Subject: The Red Dream Tunnel
Status: In Artists Private Collection (not for sale)
Subject Joy Division(Commission)
Client: Neil Hazzard
Army commission painting The Blind Old Woman Damien and Justin commissioned painting
Subject: Commision
Client: A Soldier of the british army
Subject: The Blind Old Woman
Status: In Private Collection
Subject: Justin and Damien Thompson (Commission)
Status: In Private Collection

Commissions are available on request